Friday, February 23, 2007

The Entrepreneurial Spirit

One way for any economy to grow and succeed is through encouraging the entrepreneur. These innovative people are the type who make apple sauce from old apples...they don't pitch the apples.

There are many successful entrepreneurs in Erie. I don't think we do enough to recognize their contributions to our city. We hear a lot about the big employers around here; but not so much about the large number small employers with staffs of 1-20 people. Nationally, the small business sector makes up 84% of businesses representing 18% of the employment in the United States. If you include small businesses with 20-99 employees, the employment statistic nearly doubles. (source:

One thing I have a tendency to rave about is the courage and strength of the small business market. In celebration of all they do for Erie I give you the trailer for the movie "The Call of the Entrepreneur" by the Acton Institute. It seems this documentary will highlight why it is so important to recognize and rejoice in the successes of the people who make our economy work.

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